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Thoughts & Inspiration

Have you guys picked up on a constant them throughout all of my posts? Maybe along the lines of me not actually wanting to write them? Because if that is the case then you are 100% CORRECT! I really don’t like writing these. Pouring my heart and soul into something that not many people actually read, is kinda a unmotivationer. IF you know what I mean. And there is nothing I can do about it. And really I shouldn’t be putting my worth in how many people see my blog. I guess that’s part of it, but mostly I just don’t like putting hours worth of my time into something that nobody (well not nobody exactly) cares about or takes the five minutes to read this. I put hours into this every week, and I get excited to see how many people are going to read this, but get extremely defeated when only 30 people read it. UUUUHG I just can’t. I mean I know I’m doing this for my benefit and all, but how am I supposed to benefit If NOBODY FREAKNG READS IT!!!??? 


Rant over. I think you get the point. And really guys I’m not mad at you or calling you out, I just had to explain why my blog posts aren’t as upbeat as they used to be. 


Random thought 1: I REALLY need to get rid of these nails, they are horrible for typing and well pretty much anything else. I have no idea how people have long nails, nails even longer than mine, and still function. Mystery of the world I suppose. 


Anyway…..we could talk money. That seems like an easy safe topic. I have raised/been gifted $30.00 this week. Which is even less than my previous low. But who am I to blame but myself? I haven’t been putting as much time on it as I used to. And it’s not like there are really….wait a minute I did have two checks handed to me this week. OH!!! The best part was the in the memo is said it was going towards CamRoRica!!!!! I was so freaking happy when I saw it I was literally jumping up and down yelling about how “CamRoRica” is catching on. So with those two checks, I am at $170.00 for the week. Which is actually quite good. I can handle that. Well, I could handle just the $30, but hey I’ll take the $170.00!


Enough about money, I’m so done with math, well technically I’m not. But whatever school sucks. 


So I was on a zoom call with my squad and my WR (World Race) mentor this week and I just wanted to share a few things that Jodi, my mentor, talked about. 


The topic was “community” which is one of the three “ideas” for lack of better words that, that Adventures in Missions likes to focus on. And this one was probably the one that will affect me more than the other two, which I’ll get into later probably on a different post. What do you think of when you think of “Community”? People in your town? General people, that you surround yourself with? Peers? All are correct in a sense. If you google “Community” you get two definitions, for the purpose of this I want to use the second one. So what are you waiting for go google it, I don’t have the time to tell ya’ll. So with that definition in mind yo-


 Just kidding it means: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. 


PAUSE!!!! How many of you all actually went and looked it up? Man what a waste of time. Haha.

So now with that definition in mind, I can explain more about what we talked about. 


For me, while I’m gone my community is the 26 ish other squad members that I’ll be living every day with for nine months. But not only will I be living with them, but they will also probably end up knowing me better than my own family does. Well, that’s not hard my family doesn’t know me very well right now so I should be taking her words not only with me while I’m gone but to heart right now. Ope. Man life is rough sometimes. Hate it when people other than me are right. And anyone that knows me knows that that is 100% TRUE!!!!


Not the point. But the fact that community is such a big thing and if I already have a problem with being wrong and may have slight control issues. MAY and SLIGHT being the keywords here. How am I supposed to be a Godly example to the people I am being a witness to? How am I supposed to survive nine crazy life-altering—- forget that how am I supposed to live a Godly life if I don’t treat others as if they are a part of my community. Right now I’m living my life as a one-man community. So technically by google standards, I’m not even a part of a community. 


So I’m gonna give some scripture that we went through then explain what it means in context to “community”.

Hebrews 1:2-25 says “24  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


This one is talking about encouraging our “community” to do good things and towards the right path. Not to forget each other when times are busy, keep in contact so that one doesn’t fall behind in a way. One could perceive this as giving criticism where needed in order to better themselves. But in a kind loving way and only to those who trust you. Don’t go to Billy down the street and say “hey ya know what your doing is wrong”. No that is just rude and disrespectful. Instead, because he is still part of the “community” we are referring to just be a witness and show the light of love, which is ultimately God. 


For me how I make this micro shift in my life is by lifting people up, instead of constantly bringing people down. I know this sounds bad, but really I don’t do it on purpose. I mean that doesn’t change anything it’s still bad. But just know I don’t intentionally do it.  So I guess I should also keep my tongue in check. Ope. Anyway, for me, it also means that I should show love more and let the light in me show. I know not many people think I actually have one, I’m here to tell you I do. It might need some kindling, but it’s there. I tend to hide my faith more than I should, I know it’s not what I should be doing. It’s part of my pricklies I’ve been working on. Don’t judge.


That’s just me guys, and how I interpreted it, I could be wrong, but hey at least I tried right? 


Random thought #2:  I know this has kinda become a sermon, and I don’t mean for it to, I just don’t know how else to write it. 

So I know that maybe none of what I wrote today actually makes sense, but if it did, I hope you got something out of it. Not that I was trying to preach on ya. I was just trying to show you how God worked in me this week… great detail. Sorry. *insert weird face I just made and can’t find an emoji for.*

So I think this is long enough, no need to torture you more than I already have. Sorry about that. Kina just happened, didn’t plan it. If I did it would have been much worse. 

Have a GREAT day!!! Be HAPPY!! and please please please remember to PRAY!!!! Love you guys! And I’ll see you guys on Saturday!!

PS: Hope I didn’t confuse you too much. My brain is already on overload so I don’t blame you if you are. 

5 responses to “Little bit of a rant, and a little bit of a shift (mentally)”

  1. I know you probably don’t’ think I count when you consider who all have been reading your blog since I am your mom and you think I have to. But you should consider this… there are a lot of parents out there who don’t partake in their kid’s interest. Parents who don’t support their kids, parents who don’t have come around to visit with their kids. So with that in mind I would like to say “I don’t HAVE to read this, I choose to” . With that said I want you to know I really enjoy your blog. I look forward to it. I check the WR website starting on Friday for an update just in case my email didn’t come through.

    And Yes I googled it. then come to find out I didn’t have to you GAVE me the answer! BRAT!

    Love you kiddo

  2. World changes and the vortex of reality is distorted, and we look at people differently when we find out we are a part of community. It takes courage, and God’s strength for Cactus People to come out… Be like a porcupine. They don’t have their quills out all the time, and learn when to use them.

    Proud of you, and your heart for others. I love how you want to help others, and how you want to help women in human trafficking. You see the injustices in the world and want to take action. Not sure whose DNA you get that from. I imagine Christ. You were made a new Person when you chose to live for him.

    Love you, proud of you. Keep Seving the King. Our Strenght and Gifts are given to us for purpose, not privilege.

  3. Hey Trinity! Its probably been a month since I’ve last checked your posts. Life gets busy, and things slip through the cracks. I think it is funny that it just so happens to be this one that I read, I felt a little called out in a way 🙂

    I just wanted to let you know that enjoyed reading all of it, its nice to get to see you grow even though I can’t SEE you grow anymore.

    I really wanted to comment on the first part of this post. Maybe, if you try to change the way you think about why you are writing this post, it will start to bring you joy, or at least not be painful to write. You don’t need to treat it as a diary, but maybe a journal? Or maybe even better yet, a letter to a friend. Have someone in mind that you are writing to, to give them updates about your progress and how the week has gone. Think about what you want to share with someone, a friend, old or new, and writing might just become much easier. It might take time, but I hope you can notice a difference in your writing and in yourself when something you need to do brings you joy, and that can be used in many different aspects of your life. I’m still here for you, if you need me!

    “If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou.