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Hey! Hey! Heyyyyyy!!!!


So I’m not sure why every time I get on to start my blogs I always choose the time when my laptop is about to die. Some might say, just plug it in when you are working and it dying won’t be a problem, well I would. I even have the charger with me, but I chose this exact moment, to work when I don’t have a place to plug it in at. Stupid me. I really oughta work on my timing. On a good note, I know how much time I have till my puter dies when it’s at 16%…Oh, wait maybe that isn’t a good thing. All well, it’s all about how you look at things right? 


I guess if you knew me you would know that I almost never look at the bright side of things, so the 16% is not a good thing.




What do I say first? I’m not sure if there is a lot to talk about this week, though I say that every week don’t I?




I guess I could start with money again. That has been a safe place to start lately. This week God has provided me with $100.00, very happy that I got that! An old friend of mine donated the other day. And when I say old I’m not talking about age, she isn’t much older than me, but I was referring to the fact that we’ve been friends for a while and I haven’t seen her in a few years. I’m not sure what you classify as an “old” friend, but that is what mine is. 




So it was nice to see that name pop up in my notification the other day. Got to catch up and…Oh!!  Did I say that the day I’m leaving is after my friends’ weddings? Because it is and now I get to go to both of them!!! Going to be a loooong weekend, but TOTALLY worth it!!




Oh…. 🙁 I have sad news….


A friend of mine passed away last week, and I only found out about it yesterday that’s why I’m blogging about it now. She was in her 80’s or 90’s ( I don’t actually remember, I know I’m a bad friend) so she lived a good life. And one that surpassed what doctors said she would have. She was actually put on hospice 30 years ago, and then bounced back.




So yesterday was rough, and today too. My grandpa had a pacemaker put in this morning, he had 100% electrical blockage ( I think that’s what they said)  and should have been dead, it was a God thing really that he is alive. He is through his surgery now and should be home. The pacemaker is the only thing keeping his heart working right now, so he could still use the prayers.




Then…. Another person I knew died, so I’m dealing with that. Didn’t expect either of them to go. But I guess it was their time. I’ll miss them, and trying to hold back tears right now, but I know they are in a better place. Well I know one of them is, I’m not sure about the other so, but I’m hoping for the best. I’d really hate for her to not—-


Computer dead


*On my phone now.. not so easy to get this done on, good news I don’t have to post till tomorrow. So hopefully I can get my computer charged up when I’m home and finish this on time.*


—be in a better place, that would 100% break my heart. 


I guess I was wrong. I have a lot that happened this week. Mostly in the last few days. I mean like yesterday I dyed my hair. I’m blond again and have pink in my hair. It’s not finished. I have to go back and get more pink put in this weekend. She ran out of product. And since she’s family she was kind enough to get me in this weekend. 


Ohhhh! Remember when I said I was over my Acrylics. Well, that night after I posted I stayed up all night trying to get them off my nails. And when I say all night, I mean all FREAKING NIGHT LONG!!! Got like four hours of sleep that night. I was almost late to church. But I wasn’t, I got there on time….Barely.


Friday, June 4th.


New day, same blog, and same post. 


Uhhh I’m gonna cry again…and that is not good for anyone. 


So last week I didn’t post. There are many reasons that contributed to that decision. The main one being that even though I was 90% done with the post, I couldn’t finish it. It simply hurt too much. It was a rough week. Between everything that happened and my aunt coming to town, I was on emotion overload. Not really processing anything. Not letting myself feel. Because crying and feeling made it real, and I wasn’t ready for that. Still not ready for that. 

I’ve come to realize that I can’t avoid everything forever. Avoiding things doesn’t remove the problem/situation it only delays the inevitable. And lately, I’ve been avoiding everything. My responsibilities with WR, my family, school, and even my faith. Doing only the bare minimum to make it seem…to make me feel like I’m not a complete failure. Reading books, instead of the bible, watching TV instead of doing devotionals, and using work as an excuse to not do school are all things that I’ve been doing to avoid my problems and struggles. I struggle to feel like my faith is good enough for WR. Which kinda made me shut down. I know, complete opposite of what I should be doing, but that’s what I did. And I feel the effects, none of them are good. 

As a result of me realizing this yesterday. (yes I know I should have realized this earlier)  I have eliminated the distractions in my life to focus on what actually matters. And after only one day of not having books, tv, or games on my phone, I realized that I spend wayyyy too much time on there. Like I knew I spent a lot of my time on my phone, but I didn’t realize how much it affected my daily life. It’s been hard, don’t get me wrong, but I know that in the long run, it’s going to be the best thing that I’ve done lately. 


So that’s been what’s going on in my life. And I’m sorry for missing last week and making this one EXTREMELY long. But on the bright side, I did update on the right day this week and didn’t pick up a book when I wanted to and started writing this. So that’s a start. 


Also since it is a new week I did get a few more donations. Another $135.00 making my total somewhere around $3000.00. Just need $500 to reach my goal which is $3500.00 due on June 16th. 


And as always…


Have a GREAT day!!! Be HAPPY!! and please please please remember to PRAY!!!! Love you guys! And I’ll see you guys next Saturday!!


PS: Again I’m sorry for not posting last week and making this one extremely long. 

11 responses to “Last week and this week all in one”

  1. Trinity, Yes, that is progress. And don’t be afraid to grieve! And please keep us posted on breaking your phone addiction (or whatever you would call it). Very mature to recognize and tackle that (with God’s help of course). I struggle with that too!

  2. It was soooo good to see you this week . After you got rid of so much off your phone you actually emerged from your room and I enjoyed our time together. I really do miss you, which is why I hunt you down and make you come out sometimes. You have me thinking of how much time I spend on my phone and devices that perhaps I should be monitoring myself more. Love you

  3. Dang you forgot to talk about that bothersome brother who interrupted you while you wrote your blog. I know I’m not one to talk, but make sure you take time to grieve its important for the healing process. Also congratulations on almost hitting your monetary goal. 🙂

  4. Yea…changed by mind on that. Sorry. And thanks. Also I got a big donation last night so I did hit my goal

  5. Trinity,
    Always remember God’s grace is sufficient for us. The Bible promises there will be trials. It also says God will not leave us or forsake us. Proud of you. Keep Serving the King!

  6. Wow kiddo. Thanks for sharing your true self. It isn’t easy bearing it all. Grandpa and I love you so much. Keep on keeping on!

  7. I am so very very proud of you. It’s hard to deal with death no matter if they had a long life or not. We open our hearts to the ones we care for and become very attached. Don’t ever stop that even though it hurts. God has given you an amazing gift of extreme compassion. Over time through maturity with him you will learn how to balance all those emotions. He’s molding you into a beautiful god loving woman. I was so privileged to spend quality time with you doing my visit. I love getting to know you. I can’t wait to see all the growth god has for you. Don’t be to hard on yourself we all fall short of something but recognizing our faults and working to better ourselves for god is the most mature thing in growth. So so proud of you. Love you. Keep striving towards a wonderful friendship with god he will mold you.