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Thoughts & Inspiration

        To Be completely honest with you guys, I’m not sure this blog will do anything, but cause havoc for me. My mom swears that it will be good promotion for me and that since I’m such a cactus (more explanation to come on that) that it will be a good way to connect with more people on a more “personal” level. I, on the other hand, just want to pass my writing class, and being homeschooled she’s allowing this to count. Ope. My secret is out. Shh… don’t tell anyone.

       Now back to the whole “cactus” thing. Now other than the fact that they are the best plants created, and the best plants for those of you who kill every single plant you come in contact with (me). It’s what my family likes to call me because I’m not…  how should put this? Good at putting my feelings into words verbally, and I tend to bottle everything up then just explode. So if anyone tries to get close I usually end up….well let’s just say I don’t have many friends. Anyway, that’s what I mean when I refer to myself as a cactus, now you’ll get it when I say it in the future. 

      ALSO your probably wondering what CamRoRica is from the title, well that kinda has a funny story. One which includes my dad with no coffee, a Godzilla, and Scooby-Doo. But I’ll leave that story for another day.

      So that’s the story of CamRoRica, Oh wait it’s not. CamRoRica is now officially what I’ll be using to call my trip from here on out, it’s a combination of all three countries into one word. Which will proceed to be my hashtag and probably one of my main ways of advertising. How do you feel about stickers? I for one love them. I can just see it as a sticker with the three countries silhouette on the background and #CamRoRica in the front. It’s kinda catchy don’t ya think?

      Now for the deep stuff, and more pressing matters. I’ve got prayers and I’ve got praises. Which do you want first? I’m always partial to good news, so I’m going to start with the praises I’ve had this week. #1. On February 25, I received my first donation of $200, so a quick shout-out to them. WOOT WOOT! #2  The very next day I received my second donation of $40. Another shout-out for them, maybe even a round of applause. Now for the Prayers that I’ve been praying a lot lately and what I request you guys, my wonderful supporters (yes you with brown hair and maybe even wearing glasses, and a tattoo on your left cheek.) to pray with me. This week hasn’t been bad, except for work, work is always bad, well, because it’s work. But even still I could use the prayers in that department. It’s not been all that stressful, except for work, but my mom laid it all out for me, on a lovely fancy platter, that having fun isn’t an option for me anymore. Not with graduating early, and my trip to CamRoRica. I think her words were “No, you can’t go anywhere or have any fun, you have senior pictures to take, school to finish, and fundraising to do”. Personally, I thought it was a bit harsh, but she’s right. I don’t think she was trying to be the big bad wolf, in fact, she’s quite a softy, she was just trying to have me see that  I’ve been pretty much just been going through the motions. Not fully realizing that I graduate in about 2 ish months. CRAZY I know. And that my trip is only 182 days away. And boot camp is only 105 days away. And the amount of things that need to be done is seriously stressing my mom (and me) out. So prayers for her would be absolutely fantastic. Also not that this is one the higher end of the “more pressing” matters, but I did sprain my knee a few weeks back and haven’t fully recovered yet. Not my first rodeo though, I couldn’t even tell you how many times I have sprained something. The amount is shocking. Anyway, prayers would be great for that. 

     To be real with you guys though, I have had better weeks when it comes to the amount of time I’ve spent with God. I’m not proud to say that I’ve been lacking in that department. And I can definitely feel the difference. Not that my days have been 100% horrible, but not praying as I used really but a damper in my days. I found myself worrying and overthinking things more than I did last week when I was praying and spending time with God. I know that’s a personal issue, but I could use some prayer to help me not put God in the afterthought category. PLUS my mom told me I had to get real with you guys and not be a cactus. So mom if your reading this I hope that was good enough for you because that just about drained me of all my socializing abilities. And yes I do realize that this is all virtual and I’m just sitting on my couch with all my elephant plushies…alone. 


Anyway…Have a GREAT day!!! Be HAPPY!! and please please please remember to PRAY!!!! Love you guys!

 Oh AND I’ll try to update you guys once a week, probably on Fridays.