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Thoughts & Inspiration

I suppose I should start off by saying I’m sorry for this being so late in the day. Normally I would have started this yesterday, but I guess I forgot? I don’t really know. I actually just realized a few minutes ago that it was Friday. So here I am now writing my blog two-ish hours after I normally post. Each post can take me up to 3 hours, and I like to split it between two days. But that’s not really an option anymore. Ope. 


I feel like I have so much to write about, but nothing seems important anymore. Anyone getting bored of this because I am. I don’t totally love sharing my life with the world, but I think that is kind of a requirement. 


If you must know, I did accept the job that was offered to me and put in my notice at work. So that is all good. 


I’m not big on holidays okay? I love the meaning of all of them, but I don’t like how each one has things that have nothing to do with the holiday itself. Take Easter for example. Easter is AMAZING! I love what Jesus did for us, even though we don’t deserve it. I love Easter, I just don’t get why people have to go and ruin it. The Easter bunny has nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jesus or his resurrection.  Or easter eggs and dying them.  I mean I get they represent new life and all, but what’s the point. I don’t know that’s just me. I also am not one for big family time, I prefer small groups and one on one time. Having my whole family, and then some, be there just aren’t my thing. 


But I love the biblical side of things. I mean how could I not. Jesus, he died for us. Even though he was scared and was hoping there was another way, he still did it. That alone is enough for me to love Easter. His devotion to his father, to God, was so unbelievably strong.  If Jesus and God are one, and God is always in the past, present, and future, then Jesus already knew what was going to happen. He knew the pain he would be in, and he still chose to sacrifice himself for us. 

Jesus had known the entire time he was on earth what God planned for him, and yet he didn’t let that stop him or sway him. This whole thing just has me thinking. His love for us is WAYYYYY beyond our comprehension. Heck! I don’t even think we have the capacity to understand. We strive to be like God, but we will never be him. We are only human. 


So that was my thought for the day now let’s talk numbers. I now have raised $1,085 and some odd change for pocket money. ANNND I will be mailing out the first round of support letters this week, so maybe I’ll receive some more from that. I have high hopes for that. 


Sorry this is shorter this week, but I did have less time to write it. And again sorry it’s late. 




Have a GREAT day!!! Be HAPPY!! and please please please remember to PRAY!!!! Oh! AND Enjoy your EASTER!!!!!


PS: My birthday is coming up in 26 DAYS!!!! (WOOT WOOT!!)